Saturday, May 21, 2022

Mines Commencement with Members of the Class of 1972 (50th Year Graduation Ceremony) 5.7.2022

More than 400 graduates joined the Mines alumni family during the 185th Commencement on May 7, 2022. Olympian and South Dakotan Billy Mills gave the commencement address, and he and former Rapid City Mayor Don Barnett both received honorary doctorates.  Don Barnett was the Mayor of Rapid City during and after the 1972 flood in Rapid City.

The Center for Alumni Relations & Advancement also hosted members of the Class of 1972 (below) for the annual 50-Year Graduation ceremony. Thank you to all who attended! 

College President (?) and Billy Mills

Billy Mills, College President, Former Mayor Barnett

Billy Mills

Billy Mills, and Former Mayor Barnett

Bob and Kathie Buchanan, Bonnie and Alan Blair

Billy Mills

Class of 1972 

50-year Graduation - 1972 Class Photo at Graduation - May 7, 2022

Left to right: Barb [Johnson] Coles (Chem), Jim Christman (CE), Bob Apa (ChE), Alan Blair (CE), Dale Koepp (Math), Dave Nold (ChE), Dan Daniels (ME), Larry Pearson (ME), Jerald Byg (CE), Don Hixson (Chem), Harald Flatøen (ME), Bonnie [Koskan] Blair (Chem), Gary Evensen (MinE), Steve Pirner (CE), Ronnie Baruth (MinE), Jerry Lipovsky (ME), Mike Alley (GeolE), Jim Quinn (CE), Greg Kronaizl (ME), Ted Heidrich (ME), Doug Ham (CE), Leo Van Sambeek (MinE), Dan Nusz (ME), Joel Grace (MinE), Bob Buchanan (EE), and Paul Schauer (EE).

Alan and Bonnie Blair

Commencement Stage

Paul Schauer and Bob Buchanan

Barbara Coles

Class of 1972 on Campus

50-year Graduation - 1972 Class Photo by the Grubby Statue - May 6, 2022

Front Row: Dale Koepp (Math), Don Hixson (Chem), Bonnie [Koskan] Blair (Chem), Barb [Johnson] Coles (Chem), and Doug Ham (CE).

Second Row sitting: Leo Van Sambeek (MinE), Mike Alley (GeolE), Joel Grace (MinE), Ronnie Baruth (MinE), standing: Greg Kronaizl (ME), Larry Pearson (ME), and Dan Nusz (ME).

Back Row: Harald Flatøen (ME), Gary Coles (ME), Ted Heidrich (ME), Rick Clegg (CE), Alan Blair (CE), Dan Daniels (ME), Gary Evensen (MinE), [Grubby], Dave Nold (ChE), Jim Christman (CE), Bob Apa (ChE), Jerald Byg (CE), Jim Quinn (CE), Jerry Lipovsky (ME), and Steve Pirner (CE).

50-year Graduation - 1972 Class Photo at Graduation - May 7, 2022

the end