Monday, May 29, 2017

Projects at Amie's May 2017

Moving frig out
   It's easier to remove house door
   Carry with two people and straps
New frig moved in
   Remove door on house
Remove frog handles ,  with Allen drivers, set screws
Making cookies
Cutting roses
Playing at the park
Building benches

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Furnishing the Shed

BIG SKY COUNTRY (near Montana)

Step to Shed - Used recovered 6 x 6 redwood post as part of the framework for the step.

Shelving - Installed six shelves, eight foot long, three on each side, from recycled particle board shelves from Wood Recovery Program.

Hose Hangers - Built and installed an air hose hanger.

Wood Carts - built and installed wheels on three wood carrying carts - made from re-purposed auction-purchased queen size head boards.

I removed the post from each end of the headboard, then leaned them against the garage. Shown below are the headboards after the wind sent them flying / askew.

So then I sliced the headboards down the middle from top to bottom right thru the center of the medallion.  They were the perfect size for the sides of the wood carts.  I reinforced them in a couple of places and incorporated them into the design of the wood carts.

Size comparison

Paint has been purchased, and will be applied when rain stops for a day or so.

the end

Visit to Reichert's Ranch - Lambing and Calving Season - Mid May 2017

View of the Black Hills from the Ranch

Lambing was just starting with approximately 30 lambs born the day before our visit.

Ewes with Lambs - about a day old

Three-Year-Old Ewe with twins and a friend

Black Angus Calves (with Moms) - about four to six weeks old

Pictures were taken just before dusk - any movement shows up as a blur on the picture.