Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Re-roofing Project - Day 2 - May 16, 2012

Results from first day of work (11:30 am to 7:00 pm):
House - all old shingles/metal removed;  east side about 3/4 of shingles replaced;  west side - tar paper in place, Shop - all old shingles/metal removed; about 3/4 of shingles replaced;  center shop all shingles removed, about 1/2 shingles replaced.  Garage - not started yet.

 Is that a fiddler on the roof?

 Second day - Garage started.  House shingles almost all replaced.  Shop Shingles - most all replaced.

 View from the SEWING ROOM

Update - May 16, 2012 -  7 pm - both shop/garage and house re-roofing is complete with new shingles and metal.  The GUTTER/DOWNSPOUT GUYS will be here tomorrow.
the end

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Re-Roofing due to Hail Damage 5-15-2012

Today is the day to re-roof the house - its going to be close to 85 degrees today.  We had two pretty severe hailstorms last June and July 2011, and so the roofing and rain gutters were damaged enough that they need to be replaced.  The re-roofers arrived at 11:30 am - with one truck loaded with shingles and two trucks with trailers and felt.  There are lots of guys (8-10) and they all seem eager to get up on the roof and start slinging off the old shingles.  They plan to do most of the house today and then the garage/shop roof tomorrow.  Contractor is BOLT CONSTRUCTION from Rapid City, SD.

Here's some photos of the big event!

Lots of noise right now - their tool of choice is a potato fork.  One guy is taking off the turtle vents with an impact drill.  They are working really fast - they will take off the old and then start putting the new back on almost immediately.  More updates to follow.

the end