Monday, June 22, 2009

Baby BAMBI, Thumpers, Bluebird

Bambi and Blue Bird were here in early spring - before the snow went away.

June 22, 2009

I was riding the garden tractor around the fence line looking for fence post holes to fill, when I almost ran over this baby BAMBI hiding in the grass near the far west end of our property. The grass wasn't very tall, but the baby was hidden from view very well, except from above. I stopped just five or six feet from the critter. He didn't try to get up and run, but just layed still, except for an occasional ear wiggle.

Here in both photos - you are looking straight at the baby. But you can't see much until you get even closer. Click on the picture to see if you can see anything more.

Here's the baby fawn - not very old, but obeying his mom to stay laying down no matter what.

Kathie and her friend had time to come down from the house and take a look too!

We saw the mama deer later in the day nearby at the neighbor's house, but didn't see the baby with her. Kathie asked the other day - where do the baby deer go in the daytime - so here's one answer - they hide right under your nose!
Update: We talked to the neighbors later in the week - the neighbors saw a baby and mama deer lying down in their back yard the day before we found the fawn in the grass, so we assume this was the same fawn and was born in their back yard - so a very new baby indeed! We checked the area for the fawn the next morning and it was gone.

the end

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