Saturday, June 11, 2022

Quilts for Teachers June 2022

Quilts for Grandkid's Teachers

Quilt for Silent Auction 4-23-2022

David's teacher 5th grade

Abby's Third grade teacher

Not named yet

Tyler's 3rd grade teacher 

Natie's 1st grade teacher

Tyler's other teacher

Mason's 6th grade teacher

Natie's 1st grade teacher

Tyler second 3rd grade teacher

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Baby Deer Season 6-5-2022


We spotted the first baby deer of the season today, about 7:30 pm in the pasture/yard west of the house.  They came up closer to the house and were right at my shed door for a while.  Here's a few pictures (taken from inside the house) - they are really skittish if you try to get too close.  This little guy is probably less than a half hour old.  Mama deer was still licking him, making sure he was dry for the first hour of his life.  Walking, and running very shakey still, but was nursing and also trying to eat grass!



Walking and Running

Heading straight for the playground

the beginning